Tips for a Comfortable Stay-at-Home Lifestyle
Tips for a Comfortable Stay-at-Home Lifestyle
Even as stay-at-home guidelines are loosening, many of us are still working from home and playing at home as well. It’s a challenging time when our lifestyles are hardly recognizable from what they were just 3 months ago and may continue to be so to some extent into the future.
Instead of shopping at our usual stores, there is a regular stream of deliveries arriving at our homes. The first month of stocking up on necessities such as toilet paper, hand sanitizer and canned goods, has evolved into a routine that likely includes groceries, prepared meals and prescriptions.
Instead of going to the office and social gatherings, we are having Zoom meetings for work and playing online games with friends and family.
Still in your Sweats?
Most of my friends remark that they haven’t been out of their sweats for months and, gee what can I throw on for my next business zoom call? Well I think Blue Canoe has the answer. Our clothing has always been soft, comfortable and versatile. A Blue Canoe wardrobe gives you the comfort of PJs while being stylish and presentable. Most importantly, the quality and design of our apparel will not leave you feeling like a slouch. It’s deluxe clothing you can be proud to wear. And once life is back to ‘normalish’ your Blue Canoe clothing will continue to serve you in good stead as casual, active, lounge or office wear.

Let’s start with essentials – the piece of clothing most notorious for being uncomfortable – THE BRA.
Back in 1994 Blue Canoe championed the concept of breast-healthy, comfortable, organic cotton bras. Our collection has continued to expand, and today offers an extensive array of 24/7 comfort bras, so you can feel comfortable and supported all day, every day. You’ll hardly know you’re wearing a bra, and that’s the first key to comfort.
Effortless Dressing
Once the bra issue is taken care of, it’s simple to build a capsule collection of effortless clothing to take you through the week. We have numerous easy-fit tops, pants, and even dresses that will keep you looking and feeling your best, while offering you softness and ease.
To top it off, our clothing is all made with organically grown fibers designed and manufactured exclusively in the USA. What could be more comforting than that?
Slip into Blue Canoe, and never leave your comfort zone.