What is in Your Underwear?
Did you ever wonder when women started wearing underpants? If not, then you have a whole lot of history to explore. Precisely, the history of privilege, classism, modesty, feminism, eroticism, and sexual taboos. But before all of this, there was a time when women did not wear any underwear. Yes, going commando was on trend long before our times.
In the 1920s, as the United States witnessed the rise of the women's suffrage movement, more and more women embraced freedom and chose the option to wear clothes that reflected their thoughts and ideas. Thus, as the hemlines rose, panties became shorter. (Did you know that women's underwear has been called panties since the early 1900s?) Before the suffrage movement, women’s underpants were called bloomers and came down to the knees but went to mid-thigh after the ideas of feminism filled the air.
Throughout the 1900s, the design of underwear and the thought behind it kept on progressing. Over the years, underwear has seen quite a few changes - from bikini briefs to thongs to G-strings. In the present times, there are innumerable underwear options for women. But when it comes to picking one, do you choose comfort or style? Do you investigate the raw materials that go into the manufacturing of your underpants? and, do you think of the environmental impact this structured piece of cloth, that acts as a shield between your skin and outer garments, cause?
If you don't, then it is about time you start questioning - what is in your underwear?!
Why should you know what material your underwear is made of?

We are always conscious about what goes in our food, aren’t we? So, why don't we pay the same attention when it comes to the clothes we wear? Knowing what fabrics your garments or undergarments are made of gives you the freedom to choose consciously and thoughtfully.
Which undergarment fabrics are best for your body?
When it comes to choosing undergarments best suited for one's body, without a doubt, natural, organic plant fibers are the best. A study done in 2003 suggested that underwear made from synthetic fibers were associated with a higher rate of yeast infections.
Why should you wear organic cotton underwear?
Health: The materials in underwear contribute to the health of your nether region. Underwear made of natural plant fibers such as organic cotton are comfortable, breathable, and gentle on the skin. Organic cotton underwear provides good ventilation and absorption, features that keep your private parts happy!
Comfort: No trending underwear made of synthetic fibers can replace the feel and comfort provided by organic cotton underwear. At the end of the day, nobody prefers itches and rashes to feel-good fabrics, do they?
Environmental Impact: Organic cotton is grown without the use of harmful fertilizers and it uses less water as compared to conventional cotton. Thus, the overall environmental impact of organic cotton is way less as compared to regular cotton. With the environmental issues that we are currently facing, it becomes important for brands and consumers to take a step together in the conservation of our beautiful planet.
At Blue Canoe, we have different styles of organic cotton underwear, which feel like the touch of feathers on the skin. Shop from our range of undergarments to improve your health as well as the health of the environment.
Blue Canoe. Healthy underwear for a healthier you